
No one wants to lose their valuable time during the holiday season to a nasty cold. There are no magical cures for the common cold but Chinese Acupuncture is a great option to sidestep or vastly reduce symptoms and duration.

How can you use Chinese Acupuncture?

  • Preventatively. Do you catch colds frequently?  Treatments before the problematic season will strengthen your immune system. CHINESE MEDICINE says strengthen Wei (protective) qi and move pathogens out.  WESTERN RESEARCH shows greater activation & enhancement of immune chemicals, cells and function (T cells, natural killer cells, macrophages etc.) for days post treatment and beyond.
  • Knock it out early! Get in for an acupuncture treatment as soon as you detect that “I might be getting sick” feeling. Getting in quickly can turn that 7-14 day deep cold into a quick 1-3 day turnaround with acupuncture, cupping and/or herbal medicine.
  • I waited to long: When you wait to long to get treatment the illness is deeper and more difficult at that point but acupuncture and herbs can still help clear up the symptoms that insist on sticking around.

If you FEEL it…Get ahead of it!!

Book a consultation with Tracey Crocker today!